1. Introduction
This document proposes a new feature in CSS for creating color gradients. These gradients define an additional <color> value type for the CSS3 Color specification; as such, they can be used in place of a traditional color anywhere in CSS, e.g. as a background color gradient, a text color gradient, or a border color gradient.
The proposals are based on the SVG specification. However, CSS color gradients could style any markup element, including HTML.
2. color-gradient-linear
Linear color gradients are created using the color-gradient-linear color value, which takes several parameters:
color-gradient-linear(angle, offset1 color1, offset2 color2, ... , spreadmethod)
angle indicates the angle of the gradient from horizontal, moving clockwise so that an angle of 0 deg creates a gradient from left to right, and 90 deg creates a gradient from top to bottom.
At least one
offset &
color pair must then follow.
offset indicates where to start the gradient, and can take any length unit. Draw a line through the containing element, following the gradient angle;
offset takes the values 0% and 100% where the line hits the element's inside border.
For example, if
angle=0deg, then an offset of 0% indicates the gradient starts at the left hand border. If
angle=90deg, then an offset of 100% indicates the bottom border.
color can be any valid CSS3 color value, including rgba and hsla values that enable opacity.
spreadmethod parameter, which is not required, can take three values - "pad | reflect | repeat". This indicates what happens if the gradient starts or ends inside the bounds of the target element. Possible values are:
pad, which says to use the terminal colors of the gradient to fill the remainder of the target region,
reflect, which says to reflect the gradient pattern start-to-end, end-to-start, start-to-end, etc. continuously until the target element is filled, and
repeat, which says to repeat the gradient pattern start-to-end, start-to-end, start-to-end, etc. continuously until the target region is filled. The default value is "pad".
/*linear gradient from green to blue, moving left to right*/
em { color: color-gradient-linear(0deg, 5% green, 95% blue) }
/*linear gradient from a transparent red to solid purple, top to bottom*/
em { color: color-gradient-linear(90deg, 5px rgba(100,100,100, 0.5), 200px purple) }
/*linear gradient from green to blue to yellow, right to left*/
em { color: color-gradient-linear(180deg, 3px green, 50% blue, 100% yellow) }
/*linear gradient from green to blue to green to blue ..., left to right*/
em { color: color-gradient-linear(0deg, 0px green, 10px blue, reflect) }
3. color-gradient-radial
Radial color gradients are created using the color-gradient-radial color value, which takes several parameters:
color-gradient-radial(center-x center-y, radius1 color1, radius2 color2, ... , spreadmethod)
center-x and
center-y indicate the center of the radial gradient, offset from the top left corner of the element.
At least one
radius &
color pair must then follow.
radius indicates where to start the gradient; it must be a positive length value, starting from the center of the circle. A value of 100% for
radius indicates that the gradient is equal in length with the element's width.
spreadmethod parameter works exactly as for color-gradient-linear.
/*radial gradient from green to blue, center outwards, starting at the element's center*/
em { background-color: color-gradient-radial(50% 50%, 0px green, 50px blue) }
/*radial gradient from a transparent red to solid purple, center outwards, starting top left*/
em { background-color: color-gradient-radial(0px 0px, 5px rgba(100,100,100, 0.5), 200px purple) }
/*radial gradient from green to blue five times, center outwards, starting at the element's center*/
em { background-color: color-gradient-radial(50% 50%, 0px green, 20% blue, reflect)